Artturi Jalli

I'm an entrepreneur and a blogger from Finland. My goal is to make coding and tech easier for you with comprehensive guides and reviews.

R if…else Statement: A Step-by-Step Guide (with Examples)

One of the main benefits of writing computer programs is to automate tasks based on inputs and conditions. Adding logic to code is possible through decision-making if…else statements. For example, a square root function should only compute the square root of an input if its value is positive. Otherwise, the function should warn about false

R if…else Statement: A Step-by-Step Guide (with Examples) Read More »

Python ‘switch case’ Statement: A Complete Guide (match case)

Python switch-case statements are here as of Python 3.10! These statements are actually called match-case statements. With a match-case statement, you can get rid of rather verbose if-elif-else chains like this: Instead, you can use a compact match-case expression to do the exact same: In some situations, the latter approach is better. It can make

Python ‘switch case’ Statement: A Complete Guide (match case) Read More »