Counting in Python

Counting in Python happens commonly via the count() method.

For example, let’s count how many times the word “test” appears in a list:

words = ["test", "test", "not", "a", "test"]

n_test = words.count("test")




To check how many times a letter occurs in a string, use the count() method of a string.

For example:

num_ls = "Hello world".count("l")




These are two common examples. In this guide, we are going to take a deeper look at counting in Python and see more example use cases.

How to Count Elements in a List in Python

Python list has a built-in method count(). It follows the syntax:


This method loops through the list and counts how many elements are equal to the value.

For example, let’s count how many times the word “hi” occurs in a list:

words = ["hi", "hi", "hello", "bye"]

n_hi = words.count("hi")




How to Count Elements in a Tuple in Python

Python tuple has a built-in count() method. This works the same way as the count() method of a list.


This method loops through the tuple and counts how many elements match the given value.

For example, let’s count how many times “hello” occurs in a tuple:

words = "hi", "hi", "hello", "bye"

n_hello = words.count("hello")




How to Count Substrings in a String

In Python, a string also has a count() method. You can use it to count how many times a character/substring occurs in a string.

The basic use case is similar to using the count() method of a list:


But the full syntax for the count() method of a string is:

string.count(substring, start_pos, end_pos)


  • substring is the string you want to find out the number of occurrences for.
  • start_pos is the index at which the search begins. This is an optional argument.
  • end_pos is the index at which the search stops. This is also an optional argument.

Let’s see how these parameters work.


You can count the number of substring matches in a string using the count() method.

For example, let’s count many times the substring ‘is’ occurs in a given sentence:

num_is = "This test is simple".count("is")




start_pos and end_pos

The start_pos determines from which index to start the substring search. The end_pos determines where to end the search.

For example, let’s count how many times “is” occurs, in a string but let’s ignore the first 5 characters by specifying start_pos 5.

Count but ignore first 5 letters.
num_is = "This test is simple".count("is", 5)




The word “is” occurs twice in the full string. But the count() method returns 1 because we ignore the first 5 characters.

As another example, let’s count how many times the substring “is” occurs in a string again. This time let’s ignore the first 4 characters and the last 9. In other words, let’s set start_pos at 4 and end_pos at 9.

Count between 4th and 9th letters in Python
num_is = "This test is simple".count("is", 4, 9)




Even though the word “is” occurs twice, we get 0 as a result because we only search between characters 4 and 9.

Next, let’s take a look at how to count occurrences in a dictionary.

How to Count the Number of Occurences in a Dictionary

A Python dictionary can only have one unique key. Thus, counting the number of specific keys is meaningless, as it is always 0 or 1.

But a dictionary can hold multiple identical values. To count the number of specific values in a dictionary:

  1. Get the values of a dictionary as a list.
  2. Call count() on the list.

You can get all the values of a dictionary with the values() method. This returns a view object. You can convert the view object to a list using the list() function.

For example, let’s count how many times a value of 5 occurs in a dictionary:

data = {
    "age": 5,
    "number_of_siblings": 3,
    "name": "Lisa",
    "address": "Imaginary street 7",
    "favorite_food": "Spaghetti",
    "favorite_number": 5

n_fives = list(data.values()).count(5)



Now you have learned how to use the count() method in Python to count occurrences in iterables in Python.

Last but not least, let’s go through 2 common tasks that involve counting in which you cannot use the count() method.

How to Count the Number of Files in a Directory in Python

To count the number of files in a directory, use the os module’s walk() method.

For example:

import os

path, dirs, files = next(os.walk("/Users/Jack/Desktop"))
num_files = len(files)


How to Count the Number of Lines in a Text File in Python

To count the number of lines in a text file:

  1. Open the file.
  2. Read the file line by with the split() method.
  3. Count the number of lines resulting from the split.
# Remember to specify the correct path for the file.
file = open("example.txt","r")

# Split the file contents by new line into a list
content_list ="\n")

# Loop through the lines and count how many there are
num_lines = 0
for i in content_list:
    if i:
        num_lines += 1



Today, you learned about counting in Python.

The count() method is a built-in utility for lists, tuples, and strings. It can be used to count how many times a specific item occurs in the sequence.

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoy it.

Happy coding!

Further Reading

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