In Python, a string is a data type that is used to represent text.
A string is one of the basic data types you are going to deal with in every Python project.
In Python, a string is created by wrapping characters into single or double quotation marks:
str1 = "Hello world" str2 = 'This is a test'
This is a complete guide on Python strings.
In this guide, you learn how to create strings and work with them. This includes learning:
- How to create strings.
- How string indexing works.
- How to work with substrings.
- How to use string methods to make string manipulation easier.
And much more.
How to Create a String in Python
In Python, you can create a string by using double quotation marks or single quotation marks.
For instance:
name = "Alice" hobby = 'golf'
When it comes to using single quotes vs using double quotes, you need to be consistent. In other words, pick one and use it throughout your project.
Feel free to read Python Single Quotes vs Double Quotes to learn more.
In Python, you are going to use strings a lot.
Because of this, you are going to be good at string manipulation and working with strings in general.
You can do many things with strings, such as joining, slicing, modifying, finding substrings, and much more.
Next, let’s talk about string operators in Python.
String Operators
In the previous chapter, you learned about the basic math operators in Python.
Neatly enough, you can use the addition and multiplication operators on strings as well.
- With the addition operator, you can add two or more strings together.
- With the multiplication operator, you can multiply strings.
In addition to these two operators, there is a third useful operator called the in operator. You can use it to check if a string contains a substring, such as a character or another string.
Let’s take a closer look at how these operators work.
The + Operator
In Python, you can combine two or more strings using the addition operator (+).
For instance:
part1 = "some" part2 = "where" word = part1 + part2 print(word)
You can also use the shorthand assignment addition on Python strings to add more strings to an existing one.
For instance:
word = "some" word += "where" print(word)
Learn more about the + operator with Python strings.
The * Operator
To multiply strings in Python, use the multiplication operator (*).
For instance:
word = "hello" threeWords = word * 3 print(threeWords)
The ‘in’ Operator
In Python, you can use the in operator to check if a string consists of a substring.
In other words, you can use it to find if there is a specific word or character inside a string.
The in operator returns True if there is a matching string inside the string. Otherwise, it returns False.
For instance:
sentence = "This is just a test" testFound = "test" in sentence print(testFound)
Let’s see another example.
This time, let’s check if there is a particular character in a word:
word = "Hello" eFound = "e" in word print(eFound)
Next, let’s talk about the indexing of a string.
String Indexing
In Python, a string is a collection of characters.
Each character of a string goes along with an associated index.
This index is useful because you can access a particular character using the index.
Python string indexing is zero-based.
This means the 1st character of a string has an index of 0, the 2nd character has 1, and so on.

To access a character with a specific index, use the square brackets as follows:
This returns the i-1th character of a string.
For example:
word = "Hello" c1 = word[0] print(c1)
If the index overshoots the length of the string, you are going to see an index-out-of-bounds error.
Let’s see an example.
As a beginner, it can be hard to remember that the indexing starts at 0. For instance, the last character of a string with 5 characters has an index of 4. But let’s see what happens if you accidentally think it is 5:
word = "Hello" last = word[5] print(last)
IndexError: string index out of range
As you can see, the result is an error that states the index is out of range.
This is because with index 5 you are trying to access the 6th element. But because here the string only has 5 characters, accessing the 6th one fails miserably.
Thus, you need to be careful not to access an index that is not present in the string.
String Slicing
In the previous section, you learned how to use an index to access a character in a string.
Sometimes you want to access a range of characters in a string.
You can do this with slicing.
The most basic variation of slicing requires you to specify a start index and an end index:
The result is a slice of characters (a string) where the character corresponding to the end index is excluded!
For instance, let’s grab the first three letters of a string:
word = "Hello" firstThree = word[0:3] print(firstThree)

The full syntax of slicing includes the step parameter as follows:
The step parameter specifies how many characters to jump over. By default, it is 1 as you may have guessed.
For example, let’s every second character in the first 8 characters of a string:
word = "Hello world" firstThree = word[0:8:2] print(firstThree)
Now you understand the basics of slicing strings in Python.
However, there is much more when it comes to slicing, such as reverse slicing or omitting the slicing parameters.
To keep it in scope, we are not going to go further down into the details here.
If you are interested to learn more about slicing, feel free to read this complete guide on slicing in Python. If you do so, make sure you understand how to work with lists in Python.
Embed Variables Into Strings
It is quite common for you to want to add a variable into a string in Python.
In this case, you can use the F-strings.
The F-string stands for formatted string.
It allows you to neatly place code into a string.
To create an F-string, add the character f in front of a string and specify the embedded code as an empty set of curly brackets into the string.
For instance:
name = "Alice" greeting = f"Hello, {name}! How are you doing?" print(greeting)
Hello, Alice! How are you doing?
As you can see, this neatly embeds the name into the string. This way, you do not have to split the string into three parts which would be inconvenient.
Let’s see another example to demonstrate that you can run code inside an F-string as well:
calculation = f"5 * 6 = {5 * 6}." print(calculation)
5 * 6 = 30.
To learn more about string formatting, feel free to read F-strings in Python.
Modifying Strings
In Python, you cannot modify a string.
This is because a string is an immutable collection of characters.
This can be confusing for beginners.
However, it is not that common for you to need to modify a string in the first place. Thus, this is not a problem.
If you need to modify a string, you have to take a copy of the existing string and make the desired copy there. This creates a new string which is a modified version of the original one.
As a matter of fact, there is a whole bunch of useful built-in string methods you can use to “modify” strings. These methods have got your back in most common situations.
The rest of this tutorial focuses on these methods.
Python String Methods
The built-in string comes with a bunch of useful methods you can use to work with strings.
This makes your life as a programmer easier.
These methods are designed to solve common tasks related to string manipulation and working with strings in general.
For instance, you can replace a character in a string using the replace() method. Doing this would be clumsy without the replace() method. This is because you would need to implement your own logic for replacing a character because modifying a string directly is not possible.
There are quite a few string methods in Python, 47 to be precise.
Do not even try to remember all of them.
Instead, I suggest you read through each method and spend a minute or two playing with the examples.
You can bookmark this guide and come back to it later on.
This table is a cheat sheet of Python string methods.
Below this table, you find a more detailed description of each method. In addition, you find a useful example or two on each method.
Method Name | Method Description |
capitalize | Converts the first character of a string to upper case |
casefold | Converts a string to a lowercase string. Supports more conversions than the lower method. Use when localizing or globalizing strings. |
center | Returns a centered string |
count | Returns how many times a character or substring occurs in a string |
encode | Returns an encoded version of a string |
endswith | Checks if a string ends with the specific character or substring |
expandtabs | Specifies a tab size for a string and returns it |
find | Searches for a specific character or substring. Returns the position of where it was first encountered. |
format | The old-school way to add variables inside of a string. Formats a string by embedding values into it and returning the result |
format_map | Formats specific values in a string |
index | Searches for a character or substring in a string. Returns the index at which it was first encountered. |
isalnum | Checks if all the characters of the string are alphanumeric |
isalpha | Checks if all the characters of the string are found in the alphabetical |
isascii | Checks if all the characters of the string are ASCII values |
isdecimal | Checks if all the characters of the string are decimal numbers |
isdigit | Checks if all the characters of the string are numeric digits |
isidentifier | Checks if a string is an identifier |
islower | Checks if all characters of a string are lower case |
isnumeric | Checks if all characters of a string are numeric |
isprintable | Checks if all characters of a string are printable |
isspace | Checks if all characters of a string are white spaces |
istitle | Checks if a string follows title capitalization rules (every word begins with a capital letter) |
isupper | Checks if all characters of a string are upper case |
join | Joins items of an iterable (such as a list) to the end of a string |
ljust | Returns a left-justified version of a string |
lower | Convert a string to lowercase |
lstrip | Returns a left trim version of a string |
maketrans | Returns a translation table of a string for translations |
partition | Breaks a string to parts of three. The desired center part is specified as an argument |
removeprefix | Removes a prefix from the beginning of a string and returns the string without it. |
removesuffix | Removes a suffix from the end of a string and returns the string without it. |
replace | Returns a string where a specific character or substring is replaced with something else |
rfind | Searches a string for a specific character or substring. Returns the last index at which it was found |
rindex | Searches a string for a specific character or substring. Returns the last index at which it was found. |
rjust | Returns a right-justified version of a string |
rpartition | Breaks a string to parts of three. The desired center part is specified as an argument |
rsplit | Splits the string at a specific separator, and returns the parts as a list |
rstrip | Creates and returns a right trim version of a string |
split | Splits the string at the specified separator, and returns the parts as a list |
splitlines | Splits a string at line breaks and returns the lines as a list |
startswith | Checks if a string starts with the specified character or a substring |
strip | Returns a trimmed version of a string |
swapcase | Swaps cases. All uppercase characters become lowercases and vice versa |
title | Converts each word of a string to start with an uppercase letter |
translate | Returns a translated string |
upper | Converts a string to upper case |
zfill | Prefills a string with 0 values |
All Python String Methods with Examples
This section shows a more detailed description of each string method there is.
In addition to theory, you are going to see a bunch of useful examples of each method.
Let’s get started with the list!
To capitalize the first letter, use the built-in capitalize()
"hello, world".capitalize() # Hello, world
This method creates a new string by running through each letter of a string and capitalizing it.
To convert a Python string to lowercase, use the built-in casefold()
For example:
"HELLO, WORLD".casefold() # hello world
This method creates a new string by running through the string and switching each character to lowercase.
The difference between casefold()
and lower()
is that casefold()
knows how to convert other languages’ special letters. In other words, using casefold()
is meaningful when your app needs to support globalization or localization.
For example, let’s case fold a German sentence to get rid of the big doubles (ß) sign. This is not possible using the lower()
"Eine Großes bier".lower() # eine großes bier" "Eine Großes bier".casefold() # eine grosses bier"
Use the center()
method to surround a string with characters.
The syntax for using this method is:, separator)
When you call this method, you need to specify the number of total characters, and the character that will surround the string.
For example, let’s add dashes around a word and make it 20 characters long.
txt = "banana" x =, "-") print(x)
The count()
method counts how many times a character or a substring occurs in a string.
For example, let’s count the number of letters l’s in a sentence:
"Hello, world".count("l") # Returns 3
Or let’s count how many times the word “Hello” occurs in the sentence:
"Hello, world".count("Hello") # Returns 1
To encode a string, use the built-in encode()
The syntax of using this method is:
string.encode(encoding=encoding, errors=errors)
By default, this method encodes the string to UTF-8. If it fails, it throws an error.
For example, let’s convert a string to UTF-8 encoding:
title = 'Hello world' print(title.encode())
b'Hello world'
You can call this method with two optional parameters:
- encoding. This specifies which encoding type is used.
- errors. This specifies the response when encoding fails.
There are 6 types of errors:
Here are some ASCII encoding examples with different error character types:
txt = "My name is Kimi Räikkönen" print(txt.encode(encoding="ascii", errors="ignore")) print(txt.encode(encoding="ascii", errors="replace")) print(txt.encode(encoding="ascii", errors="xmlcharrefreplace")) print(txt.encode(encoding="ascii", errors="backslashreplace")) print(txt.encode(encoding="ascii", errors="namereplace"))
b'My name is Kimi Rikknen' b'My name is Kimi R?ikk?nen' b'My name is Kimi Räikkönen' b'My name is Kimi R\\xe4ikk\\xf6nen' b'My name is Kimi R\\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER A WITH DIAERESIS}ikk\\N{LATIN SMALL LETTER O WITH DIAERESIS}nen'
To check if a string or a proportion of it ends with a character or a substring, use the endswith()
For example:
sentence = "Hello, welcome to my world." print(sentence.endswith("."))
You can specify the tab size with the expandtabs()
method. This method is useful if your strings contain tabs.
For example
sentence = "H\te\tl\tl\to" print(sentence.expandtabs(1)) print(sentence.expandtabs(2)) print(sentence.expandtabs(3)) print(sentence.expandtabs(4)) print(sentence.expandtabs(5))
H e l l o H e l l o H e l l o H e l l o H e l l o
The find() method finds the index of the first occurrence of a character or substring in a string. If there is no match, it returns -1
You can also specify a range from where the search is done. The complete syntax for using this method is:
string.find(value, start, end)
For example:
sentence = "Hello world" x = sentence.find("world") print(x)
This says that the string "world"
can be found at the index of 6 from the sentence
As another example, let’s search for a substring in a given range:
sentence = "This is a test" x = sentence.find("is", 3, 8) print(x)
The format()
method formats a string by embedding values into it. This is an old-school approach to string formatting in Python.
The format()
method is used with the following syntax:
string.format(value1, value2, ... , valuen)
Where the values are variables that are embedded into the string. In addition to this, you need to specify a placeholder for these variables in the string.
Let’s see an example:
name = "John" age = 21 sentence = "My name is {} and I am {} years old".format(name, age) print(sentence)
My name is John and I am 21 years old
To directly format a dictionary of values into a string, use the format_map()
The syntax:
To make this work, you need to specify placeholders in the string where the values of the dictionary are embedded.
For example:
data = {"name": "John", "age": 21} sentence = "My name is {name} and I am {age} years old".format_map(data) print(sentence)
My name is John and I am 21 years old
The index()
method finds the index of the first occurrence of a character or substring in a string. It raises an exception if it does not find the value.
You can also specify a range from where the search is done.
The syntax for using this method is:
string.index(value, start, end)
For example:
sentence = "Hello world" x = sentence.index("world") print(x)
This says that the string "world"
can be found at the index of 6 from the sentence
As another example, let’s search for a substring in a given range:
sentence = "This is a test" x = sentence.index("is", 3, 8) print(x)
The difference between index()
and find()
methods is that index()
raises an error if it does not find a value. The find()
method returns -1
To check if all the characters of a string are alphanumeric, use the isalnum()
For example:
sentence = "This is 50" print(sentence.isalnum())
To check if all the characters of a string are letters, use the isalpha()
For example:
sentence = "Hello" print(sentence.isalpha())
To check if all the characters of a string are ASCII characters, use the isascii()
For example:
sentence = "Hello" print(sentence.isalpha())
To check if all the characters of a string are decimal characters, use the isdecimal()
For example:
sentence = "\u0034" print(sentence.isdecimal())
To check if all the characters of a string are numbers, use the isdigit()
For example:
sentence = "34" print(sentence.isdigit())
To check if all the characters of a string are identifiers, use the isidentifier()
- A string is considered an identifier if it contains alphanumeric letters (a-z, 0-9) or underscores.
- An identifier cannot start with a number.
For example:
sentence = "Hello" print(sentence.isidentifier())
To test if a string is in lowercase, use the built-in islower()
For example:
"Hello, world".islower() # False
This method checks if all the characters of a string are in lowercase. If they are, it returns True
. Otherwise, False
To check if all the characters of a string are numeric, use the isnumeric()
For example:
sentence = "5000" print(sentence.isnumeric())
To check if all the characters of a string are printable, use the isprintable()
For example:
sentence = "This a is test" print(sentence.isprintable())
To check if all the characters of a string are white spaces, use the isspace()
For example:
sentence = " " print(sentence.isspace())
To check if all the first characters of each word in a string start with a capital letter, use the istitle()
For example:
sentence = "Hello There This Is A Test" print(sentence.istitle())
To test if a string is in uppercase, use the built-in isupper()
For example:
"HELLO, WORLD".isupper() # True
This method checks if all the characters of a string are in uppercase. If they are, it returns True
. Otherwise, False
To join a group of items to one string, use the join()
For example:
words = ["This", "is", "a", "test"] sentence = " ".join(words) print(sentence)
This is a test
Add specific characters, such as empty spaces, to the right of a string with the ljust()
The syntax:
string.ljust(num_characters, separator)
is the total length of the strings plus the added charactersseparator
is the character that is added n times to the string.
For example, let’s add dashes to the right of a string:
print("Hello".ljust(20, "-"))
To convert a Python string to lowercase, use the built-in lower()
For example:
"HELLO, WORLD".lower() # hello world
This method creates a new string by running through the string and switching each character to lowercase.
To remove leading characters from a string, use lstrip()
By default, this method removes all the white spaces from the beginning of a string.
For example:
print(" test".lstrip())
As another example, let’s remove all the dashes from the beginning of this string:
To create a string mapping table, use the maketrans()
method. This mapping table is used with the translate()
The syntax:
string.maketrans(a, b, c)
- The first parameter
is required. If only this parameter is specified, it has to be a dictionary that specifies how strings are replaced. Otherwise, a needs to be a string that specifies which characters to replace. - The second parameter
is optional. It must be the same length witha
. Each character in a will be replaced bya
the corresponding character inb
- The third parameter
is also optional. It describes which characters to remove from the original string.
For instance, let’s replace “o” characters with “x” in a sentence:
sentence = "Hello World" trans_table = sentence.maketrans("o", "x") print(sentence.translate(trans_table))
Hellx Wxrld
To split a string into three parts, use the partition()
method. It works by splitting a string around a specific character or substring.
For example, you can partition a sentence around a given word:
sentence = "This is a test" parts = sentence.partition("a") print(parts)
('This is', 'a', 'test')
To remove a string from the beginning, use the removeprefix()
method. Notice that this is quite a new method and only works for Python 3.9+.
For example, let’s remove the word “This” from a sentence:
sentence = "This is a test" print(sentence.removeprefix("This"))
is a test
To remove a string from the end, use the removesuffix()
method. This is quite a new method and only works for Python 3.9+.
For example, let’s remove the word “test” from the end of a sentence:
sentence = "This is a test" print(sentence.removesuffix("test"))
This is a
To replace a string with another inside a string, use the replace()
The syntax:
string.replace(old, new, count)
is the string you want to
is the new string you want to replace occurrences of old.- count is an optional parameter. It specifies how many occurrences you want to replace.
For example:
sentence = "This is a test" updated_sentence = sentence.replace("This", "It") print(updated_sentence)
It is a test
Find the last occurrence of a substring or character inside a string using the rfind()
method. If no occurrences are found, this method returns -1.
The syntax:
string.rfind(val, start, end)
is the string you are looking forstart
is an optional parameter. It defines the start index for a searchend
is also an optional parameter. It defines the end index for the search.
For example:
sentence = "This car is my car" last_index = sentence.rfind("car") print(last_index)
Find the last occurrence of a substring or character inside a string using the rindex()
method. If no occurrences are found, this method returns and raises an exception.
The syntax:
string.rindex(val, start, end)
is the string you are looking forstart
is an optional parameter. It defines the start index for a searchend
is also an optional parameter. It defines the end index for the search.
For example:
sentence = "This car is my car" last_index = sentence.rindex("car") print(last_index)
Add specific characters, such as empty spaces, to the left of a string with the rjust()
The syntax:
string.rjust(num_characters, separator)
is the total length of the strings plus the added charactersseparator
is the character that is added n times to the string.
For example, let’s add dashes to the beginning of a string:
print("Hello".rjust(20, "-"))
Split a string into three parts based on the last occurrence of a specific string. These parts are returned as a tuple.
For example:
sentence = "This car is my car, you cannot drive it" parts = sentence.rpartition("car") print(parts)
('This car is my ', 'car', ', you cannot drive it')
To split a string into a list from the right, use rsplit()
The syntax:
string.rsplit(separator, max)
is the separator based on which the string is splitmax
is the maximum number of times the split is done. It is an optional parameter. If you don’t specifymax
, this method works likesplit()
For example, let’s split a comma-separated string from the right. But let’s only split at the first comma it encounters:
items = "apple, banana, cherry" split_items = items.rsplit(",", 1) print(split_items)
['apple, banana', ' cherry']
Notice how there are only two strings in this array.
Remove trailing characters at the end of a string using the rstrip()
If no argument is specified, this method tries to remove empty strings at the end of a string.
For example, let’s remove dashes from a string:
Split a string into a list using the split()
method. This is one of the most commonly used Python string methods.
By default, this method splits the string based on empty spaces.
The syntax:
string.split(separator, max)
is an optional parameter. It is the character or substring based on which the string is split into parts.max
is also an optional parameter. It defines how many splits the method is going to do.
For example:
sentence = "This is a test" # split by white spaces parts = sentence.split() print(parts)
['This', 'is', 'a', 'test']
As another example, let’s split a comma-separated list two times for the first two commas encountered:
sentence = "Apple, Banana, Orange, Mango, Pineapple" parts = sentence.split(",", 2) print(parts)
['Apple', ' Banana', ' Orange, Mango, Pineapple']
Notice how there are only 3 elements in the split list.
To split a string at line breaks, use the splitlines()
sentence = "Apple\nBanana\nOrange\nMango\nPineapple" parts = sentence.splitlines() print(parts)
['Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Mango', 'Pineapple']
You can also keep the line breaks at the end of each string. To do this, pass True into the call:
sentence = "Apple\nBanana\nOrange\nMango\nPineapple" parts = sentence.splitlines(True) print(parts)
['Apple\n', 'Banana\n', 'Orange\n', 'Mango\n', 'Pineapple']
To check if a string starts with a specific value, use the startswith()
The syntax:
string.startswith(val, start, end)
is the value you want to check if the string starts with.- start is an optional parameter. It is an integer that specifies where to start the search.
is also an optional parameter. It is an integer that specifies where to end the search.
For instance:
sentence = "Hello world" print(sentence.startswith("Hello"))
Let’s take a look at another example. This time let’s see if the 5th character starts with “wor”:
sentence = "Hello world" print(sentence.startswith("wor", 6))
To remove specific characters or substrings from a string, use the strip()
method. By default, this method removes blank spaces. You can also specify an argument that determines what to remove.
For instance, let’s remove all the dashes from a string:
word = "--------test---" stripped_word = word.strip("-") print(stripped_word)
To make lowercase letters upper and uppercase letters lower, use the swapcase()
For example:
"HELLO, world".swapcase() # hello, WORLD
This method creates a string by looping through the string and swapping all uppercase letters to lowercase and vice versa.
To capitalize the first letter of each word in a string, use the title case converter by calling title()
For example:
"hello, world".title() # Hello, World
This method creates a new string by looping through a string and capitalizing each word’s first letter.
To replace specific characters of a string with another, use the translate()
Before you do that, create a mapping table with the maketrans()
For example, let’s replace the “o” letters with “x”:
sentence = "Hello World" trans_table = sentence.maketrans("o", "x") print(sentence.translate(trans_table))
To convert a Python string to uppercase, use the built-in upper()
For example:
"Hello, world".upper() # HELLO WORLD
This method creates a new string by looping through a string and changing each character to upper case.
Add leading zeros to a string with zfill()
Give this method the desired length of the string. It fills the string with zeros until the desired length is achieved.
For example:
word = "Test" filled_word = word.zfill(10) print(filled_word)
Notice how the total length of this string is now 10.
That is a lot of string methods!
Thanks for reading. I hope you find it useful.
Happy coding!